Pcchips M925g 9.1 B Manual

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Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows 98/ME/NT/20 00/XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PC-cillin is a trademark of Trend Micro Inc. AMI is a trademark of American Megatrends Inc. It has been acknowledged that all mentioned brands or product names are trademarks or r egistered trademarks of their respective holders. Motherboard Components........8 I/O Ports........8 Inst allin g the Proces sor.......9 Installing Memory Modules...... 10 Jumper Sett ings.......12 The Panel Connector.......13 Other Devices Installation.......

M1911-a1-40p (9+1) B Ambi Safety

14 Expansion Slots Installation...... 14 Conne ctin g Opti onal Devic es.....15. Intro ducti on.........19 Runni ng the Setup Utility......20 Stand ard CMOS Setu p Page.....21 Advan ced Setup Page......23 Power Management Setup Page..... 28 PCI / Plug and Play Setup Page.....30 Load Optim al Sett ings.......31 Load Best Performance Settings......31 CPU PnP Setup Page........34 Hardw are Monit or Page......34 Change Password If you highlight this item and press Enter, a dialog box appears that you can enter a Supervisor password. Y ou can enter no more than six letters or numbers. Press Enter after you have typed in the password.