Monkey Island 2 Special Edition Sottotitoli Italiano

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You start on the bridge. Go left or right, either way, Largo will shake you down and steal your money. Msa Pedal Steel Serial Numbers there. After he leaves, bail to the right side of the bridge. Stop at the sign. PICK UP SIGN. You will take the shovel. You will then be at an overhead view of the map of the island.

Go to the Swamp area. Row to the shack, you get taken up into the House of Mojo. LOOK AT TABLE in the first room, you'll see a thread of string on the table.

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition Sottotitoli Italiano

PICK UP STRING. Now look at the jars on the shelves next to the table. Keep looking at things until you see the jar of ASHES-2-LIFE. Now walk to the right side of the room and you will enter the next room.

Talk to Voodoo Lady about the ashes-2-life (To begin dialogue about this – try to PICK UP ASHES-2-LIFE). You will need to know about this for later. Now talk to her about Largo and making a voodoo doll.

Sep 23, 2014 Tales Of Monkey Island - DOWNLOAD TRADUZIONE ITALIANO! Link per scaricare la traduzione dei SOTTOTITOLI dei 5 capitoli di Tales Of Monkey Island.

She will give you a list of ingredients you need to make the doll - hair, thread, body fluid, part of a dead relative. Leave and row back to shore, exit left back to map. Now go to the Cemetery. At the top of the hill you see some graves and tombstones.

Go up there and you will get a close up of the area. The first grave on the left is Largo's grandfather's grave. USE SHOVEL ON GRAVE. You will dig up the grave and get a bone from the deceased old feller. Exit left back to the map. Go to the Beach area.

You'll find a stick on the ground. PICK UP STICK. Now leave back to the map. Go back to Woodtick Town. Go to Wally the cartographer's pad (second door from right). Talk to Wally about things. PIK UP PILE OF PAPER at bottom right hand side of screen. Windows Vista Netzlaufwerk Automatisch Verbinden there.

Watch Wally closely. He will place his monocle on the table and rub his eyes from time to time. When he does this, quickly PICK UP MONOCLE. Exit back out the door to the left. Look near bottom of screen, you will see a hatch leading down to the Bloody Lip bar and you will see some windows on the side of the ship. The window on the far left is accessible. WALK TO WINDOW and you jump into the window and find yourself in the kitchen.